Well, today was nap #2 in the big boy bed and Tucker did much better. I tried to leave his door cracked and stand outside, but then that just became a game for him. He would get out of bed, come up to the door and open it, then I would tell him to go lay down. This happened 10-15 times, and I figured it wasn't going to work. I closed his door but held the knob so he couldn't accidentally lock it. He sat at the door and cried for about five minutes then got bored with that, walked away and then I could hear him playing with his car.
After abou 15 minutes of playing, he crawled onto his bed with his doggy and went to sleep. He slept for an hour and 45 minutes. So.. we made some progress. I think I am going to take the suggestion of putting up a baby gate at his door so he is not 'locked' in there.
Hopefully we'll get better with each day. I am glad we are doing this now with a good six weeks before Baby #2 gets here!