Well, I have been a complete slacker and have not done any posts in awhile. so this one is going to be a combo of a few different events, but mainly I just wanted to post some cute pictures of Tucker.....

He's not really eating the apple here, but he looks cute anyway!

Tucker is wearing Uncle Beau's hat and I think he is trying to look cool. This pic is at my mom and dad's house. We were getting ready to take a walk and it was freezing.. and it was the only hat we could find. So cute!

First time Tucker drank out of a straw. He is actually drinking a fruit smoothie for breakfast... it was yummy!

Using his skills to drink. The sippy cup is actually from Japan. Andrew brought it back from Tyler and Yuko's wedding. The funny thing is that they passed it out at the reception and it was filled with sake.. good thing we washed it out really good before Tucker drank out of it!

Here are the babies at the park to celebrate Robert's Bday... he is the one to the right of Tucker. It was a hot day, but we had fun!