This is the activity table Tucker got for his bday. His favorite thing to do is turn the page in the center.

Hi friends and family! So, I had this great idea to document Tucker's actual first bday from start to finish so I could show it to him someday.. and also to post it to the blog.. well, as most of you know, his birthday was a few weeks ago (march 18) and with things being so busy, I never got a chance to post these pics.. so here they are a little belated.
This is Tucker in the morning on the way to the doctor. As you can see, he is super happy and has no idea he is about to get two shots. This was poor planning on my part, shots on his birthday!! As a treat for his bday, I let him take his little doggy with him everyhwhere for the day.. he loved that.

Here is Tucker in the doctor's office playing with my keys. We are waiting for the ped. to come in. She said he looked great and he got a clean bill of health! His height is 30 inches and weight is 23 lbs 1 oz. He has gained a pound since his 9 month check up.

Here he is eating his birthday snack at lunch. I made him special apple raisin cookies and he really liked them! I thought they were pretty good to0.

Here we are at WalMart. Tucker got his bday balloon from the dollar store and it lasted approximately 10 minutes before he let it loose and it floated up to the ceiling at WalMart.. oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

And the best part of Tucker's day. We had a family dinner on the back porch and grilled out chicken and vegetables with his daddy. He got to eat some more bday cookies and played with his new activity table.